After graduating in business administration from the University of Münster, Joe worked for many years in leading operational and strategic positions in tourism with airlines and tour operators.

From 2000 onwards, he was able to contribute his experience and knowledge as a founder and entrepreneur in the establishment of numerous internet companies. As Co-Founder and Vice-President Sales of one of the largest German internet portals of the 1st generation with the largest job market in Germany, he was significantly involved in the establishment and extraordinary growth of the company and later in its successful sale.

He has many years of professional experience in the implementation and realisation of projects with start-ups in the medical sector, practicing physicians, clinics and family offices as well as in mergers & acquisitions.

He has gained expertise in the life science sector as a consultant for process optimisation in clinics and by setting up a job placement portal for specialists and executives from the medical sector.

Languages: German, English, some Dutch and Spanish

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