AIMS International UK and Ireland are delighted to launch a new podcast series “The Path To High Performance” in which we will be placing the spotlight on every company’s greatest asset – its people.

Throughout this series, we shall be discussing the importance of nurturing Top Talent within a truly engaging corporate culture and the significant, positive impact that this can have on overall individual and company performance.

In this first episode “Drive comes from Within: Ways to Improve Individual Engagement and Performance At Work”, I am joined by my colleague, Dr Sukhwant Bal. We go right to the heart of it all by exploring how we can learn to better understand what motivates and drives us as individuals, and how we can maximise this to improve our engagement and performance at work. Get in touch with Sukhwant here: [email protected] or with Lisa by connecting on LinkedIn here.

You may listen to the full episode here:

Or if you prefer to watch the video, you can head over to our YouTube channel (video link below). You can also download our audio podcast on other popular podcast hosts.



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You may also watch the full video episode on our YouTube channel here: