July 10th, 2013 – Lima, Perú – Armando Cavero, Managing Director of AIMS Perúpresents each month one newly appointed CEO in the leading business magazine “G de Gestion” in Perú.

Armando Cavero, Managing Partner – AIMS International Executive Search Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia has started in April 2013 to present his new column.

The intention of this column is to interview a newly appointed CEO or high profile “C” position, from the line of sight of an Executive Search Consultant and share with the readers insights of the person, his/her style and among other things, the reasons for him/her to get a new job. The column is called “RECIÉN CAZADO”, which means in English to the point “Just Hunted”.

The third interview was led with Mariano Álvarez de la Torre, the General Manager of AFP Habitat

About Mariano Álvarez de la Torre:

  • Current Position: General Manager AFP Habitat
  • Previous Position: CFO Ripley Perú
  • Education: National University of Engineering, Industrial Engineer; Boston University, Master in Economics
  • Personal Data: Age 50, married, two sons
  • Hobbies: Cycling and jogging, reading political novels and Peruvian authors


Mariano Álvarez de la Torre: “It´s more fun when you become a coach”

Reviewing your resume, appears to have some continuity but if you look in detail, there are changes that I describe also radical. Do you agree?

I think so. My career has what I would call three points of inflection. Along general lines, I went to see the macro economy in the BCR at the private investment of the AFP, from there I went to be CFO in Ripley and from there to the general management of Habitat, which together mark three major decisive changes.

What did it mean for your career to be almost nine years with the BCR?

It is in difficult times when you learn most, and as an economist, I think in few places you could learn as much as
I could in the BCR of the eighties and nineties. I remember especially having participated in the reform of the private pension system (SPP), that was developed when I was in Economic Studies at BCR. I believed in the reform then as now, I quit and went to the supervisory body at the AFP. Without doubts, the best reform which has been done in Peru has been the reform of the SPP.

Why do you precisely think that this was the best reform in Peru?

Because it’s good for the person to improve the quality of their retirement, for the state because it prevents future expenses and because it generates a giant investment resource, good for the economy in general. It is a virtuous circle from wherever you examine it.

This is your first position as general manager. What’s new and unique about it?

First, the ability to monitor and create multi-functional work teams. I appreciate this difference becauseI think the most entertaining part of the game is when one becomes coach. On the other hand, for the first time I am involved in the commercial and the operative ss the head and thus responsible person and I think I will develop new professional skills.
I am also very happy with the challenge which carries the start of operations, which the Peruvian team is going to comply fully. We are starting operations in the date: June 1, 2013.

How was the transition from Ripley to AFP Habitat?

Formally it was very smooth. I had a great support from Ripley , which I appreciate and for which I am grateful, while there was a great understanding of AFP Habitat to wait and let me leave things in order. Practically, it is a very important challenge for me, that I love and which motivates me greatly.

How is your day by day?

I order, I measure results, delegate and I communicate. I think if my colleagues are happy, my clients will be as well, and my shareholders will be happy, too. I am very punctual and I expect the same from others.

At this season of struggle for talent, how do you tie your staff?

I long to be clear in communicating the business focus to enlight the passion in each employee of AFP Habitat for our goals and maintain as our guides of our daily life honesty and team work. I hold especially the opinion that open and permanent communication is a decisive factor to maintain the interest of each part of the company to achieve success for all.